Denture Clinic

Removable Dentures in Egham, Surrey

Dentures are a way to replace missing teeth without any permanent fixation. Usually made out of acrylic or a combination of acrylic and cobalt chromium, they are made to either replace anything from a single tooth to a full complement.

Many people cope very well with dentures and the lack of support from other teeth may limit their choices to dentures.

If you struggle with a denture that moves during function, sometimes metal clasps or clips can be added to aid retention. If you have a full denture, especially a lower denture, that is really bothersome and will not stay in place, it may be prudent to consider implant retained location clips. This is a more complex treatment whereby two dental implants are placed in the lower jaw and then attachments in the denture clip into these implants.

Crown House Dental Practice

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Your Family Dentist in Egham, Surrey