Are Your New Year's Resolutions Damaging Your Oral Health?

Posted by Crown House Dental on 23rd January 2017

Why "healthy" habits can cause problems you don't expect.

At this time of the year, most people are still going strong with their resolutions for the new year. This is great news, as it means a lot of our local Egham dental patients are enjoying a healthier life. Common resolutions you might be pursuing include quitting alcohol, quitting smoking, exercising more, enjoying a healthier diet, and perhaps taking up a new hobby.

What you may not realise, is that although these new changes are healthy for your body, they could have a detrimental effect on your oral health. No need to light up, eat a chocolate bar, or quit that new sport just yet though; these tips will help ensure your new healthy habits can go hand in hand with a well maintained healthy smile:


Adding juices to your daily routine is beneficial to your body, because increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables can only ever be a good thing. The only issue you may struggle with, is the effect of juices on your teeth. Juices, or particularly, high acid juices containing fruit, can attack the teeth and damage the enamel, causing the teeth to be more sensitive. The way to balance this out, is to try and opt for more vegetable based juices, to drink your juice through a straw, and to follow your juice with water.


Exercise is an important part of a healthy life, but certain sports could be risky for your teeth. Rugby, cricket, football and any sport where contact or balls are involved could cause a hazard for your teeth if they are not protected. Teeth and gums can be injured easily in certain sports, but a personalised mouthguard from your Egham dentist can help you avoid a dental emergency. Personalised mouthguards made to fit your specific teeth and gums are known to be more effective in protecting the mouth during sports.

Quitting Anything

Whether you are quitting alcohol, smoking, bread, smoking, or anything else, you're likely to want to lean on something else to counteract what you are missing. Those quitting smoking might suck sugary sweets, those quitting alcohol might opt for sugary non-alcoholic wines - there are a lot of pitfalls for the teeth in terms of quitting. When quitting something, try to ensure:

●     You have plenty of sugar free sweets and alternatives to get you through cravings

●     Keep your body and your mind active, so you aren't constantly craving

●     You seek advice and help on support with your lifestyle change to give you a stronger chance of success

Visit Your Egham Dentist For Advice

If you think your new habits could have an affect on your teeth, please call us on 01784432641 and we will be pleased to make you an appointment at our friendly and professional clinic in TW20. We can give you advice that ensures you can smile with confidence about your new healthy changes, without having to worry about harming your smile!

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